The Allied Group promotes Rick Porcelli to Vice President of Construction
Allied was in charge of renovating the exterior and public space areas
Nov 16, 2023
Jeff Iannone joined Allied in early 2019 and quickly developed into a critical member of our leadership team. We recently sat down with Jeff to ask him about his recent experience with the Holiday Inn Express (HIEX) project he completed and how his creative thinking resulted in time and cost savings on the project.
The HIEX project we did in Fort Worth, TX,
was both challenging and enjoyable.
Allied was in charge of renovating the exterior and public space areas, while another general contractor was responsible for the guestroom areas. Due to the logistics of the property and the downtown setting, we worked through the challenges of sharing a limited space staging/laydown area and an elevator for all freight. Included was the rebuilding of the enclosure walls at the laydown areas throughout the project. We overcame many hurdles having to do with deliveries, trash removal, and equipment/material storing.
Early on, we decided in conjunction with the client and the other general contractor to make the best of this scenario, and we came together unconventionally. Working in tandem, we worked out a system sharing many resources that saved our client time and money.